
Desktop License
  • 1 User
  • 2 Computer Installation
  • Unlimited Personal Project
  • 5 Commercial Project
  • Not for Digital Advertising
  • Unlimited Blog Usage
  • End Product (Product/Print/Merchandise): 1,000 Sales/Prints/Pcs
Standard Webfont License
  • 1 Website
  • Website and Web App usage only
  • Embedding fonts using @font-face
  • Pageviews per month: 100,000 views
E-Pub License
  • 1 E-Pub/Printed Book Title
  • E-Book/Publishing
  • Unlimited for Publications intended for Kindles, iPads, or other PDF Readers
Extended Webfont License
  • 1 Website
  • Website and web app usage only
  • Embedding fonts using @font-face
  • Pageviews per month: 1,000,000 views
Professional License (Recommended)
  • 2 User
  • 4 Computer Installation
  • Logo Usage/Logotype
  • Unlimited Personal Project
  • 10 Commercial Project
  • Digital Ads/Email: 1,000,000 Impressions
  • Unlimited Blog Usage
  • End Product (Product/Print/Merchandise): 10,000 Sales/Prints/Pcs
  • 1 Website
  • Embedding Fonts Using @font-face
  • Pageviews per Month: 100,000 Views
Extended License
  • 10 User
  • 10 Computer Installation
  • Logo Usage/Logotype
  • Unlimited Commercial & Personal Project
  • Digital Ads/Email: 10,000,000 Impressions
  • Unlimited Blog Usage
  • End Product (Product/Print/Merchandise): Unlimited Sales/Prints/Pcs
  • 5 Website
  • Embedding fonts using @font-face
  • Pageviews per month: 1,000,000 Views
App/Game License
  • 1 App
  • 1 Game
  • Unlimited App/Game Views
Server License
  • 1 Server
  • 1 Website/App
  • Allow Users to Use Font
  • Embedding fonts using @font-face
  • Unlimited Webpage Views
Broadcast License
  • 1 Video/Movies
  • 1 TV/Motion Graphic
  • Unlimited Commercial Project
National Corporate License
  • 1 Corporate/Brand
  • Unlimited User & Installation
  • Unlimited Commercial Project
  • Unlimited Website & Pageviews
  • Unlimited Publishing
  • Unlimited Social Media & Blog
  • Unlimited Advertising
  • Unlimited App/Game/Server
  • Unlimited Broadcasting
  • Unlimited End Product for Sale
  • National
Worldwide Corporate License
  • 1 Corporate/Brand
  • Unlimited User & Installation
  • Unlimited Commercial Project
  • Unlimited Website & Pageviews
  • Unlimited Publishing
  • Unlimited Social Media & Blog
  • Unlimited Advertising
  • Unlimited App/Game/Server
  • Unlimited Broadcasting
  • Unlimited End Product for Sale
  • Worldwide

If your usage doesn’t meet our existing licenses, you may contact us for a custom license to cover your commercial usage of any Ghuroba Studio.

  • You may not open, edit, or modify fonts. Convert to paths and editing in programs such as Illustrator are permitted, provided the results are not converted back to font software for redistribution.
  • You cannot redistribute fonts because the copyright is still with us.
  • Editing and/or changing the font name is not permitted, this is not an original font creation and does not negate the original license terms. The device can provide special font designs, adaptations, and related licenses for all your needs.
  • Using font elements as the basis for new fonts is not permitted.
  • Respect for copyright – the legal consequences of using non-licensed or adapted fonts can be very expensive and result in the removal of all offensive copies. Poorly adapted fonts are often found to have several technical severe and design errors, the most common being missing kerning (contextual letter space), missing characters, bad spaces, incorrect point construction, clash ID fonts, and missing counters because of the wrong direction—legal, safe.
  • More details will be added to the following files once the item is downloaded.
  • If you use Ghuroba Studio Font for commercial without buying a license before, you will be charged a corporate license.
  • If you use Ghuroba Studio Font for commercial without buying a license before and making any sales, You have to buy it for the solution. “Sorry” or “apologize” didn’t clear the case, the way to clear your case is by buying the font that you used for commercials before with a corporate license price. That is why copyright must be respected. Thank You.
  • You can not re-upload the Ghuroba Studio font to your website without our permission, you will be charged a corporate license for this mistake.
  • For more information about the licenses don’t hesitate to contact us.

This license is valid for purchasing font products from January 2019.

Bahasa Indonesia:

  • Anda tidak boleh membuka, mengedit, atau memodifikasi font. Konversi font menjadi path/objek dalam program seperti Illustrator diizinkan, asalkan hasilnya tidak dikonversi kembali menjadi font untuk redistribusi.
  • Anda tidak dapat mendistribusikan ulang font karena hak cipta adalah milik Ghuroba Studio.
  • Mengedit dan/atau mengubah nama font tidak diizinkan, ini sangat dilarang karena melanggar hak cipta.
  • Dilarang mengupload ulang font Ghuroba Studio di website manapun tanpa seizin Ghuroba Studio.
  • Membajak atau menjiplak font Ghuroba Studio kemudian menjualnya kembali akan dikenakan denda 2x lisensi corporate.
  • Menggunakan bagian dari font Ghuroba Studio untuk dijadikan font baru sangat dilarang.
  • Menghormati hak cipta – konsekuensi hukum dari penggunaan font yang tidak berlisensi atau yang diadaptasi bisa sangat mahal dan mengakibatkan penghapusan semua salinan ofensif. Font yang diadaptasi dengan buruk sering ditemukan memiliki sejumlah kesalahan teknis dan desain yang serius, yang paling umum adalah kerning yang hilang (ruang huruf kontekstual), karakter yang hilang, spasi buruk, konstruksi titik yang salah, font ID benturan dan penghitung yang hilang karena arah yang salah.
  • Anda berhak membeli font dengan harga dan lisensi yang tertera untuk project yang akan anda lakukan. Contoh: Anda tertarik dengan salah satu font Ghuroba Studio versi demo yang ada di dafont, anda memiliki project yang akan menggunakan font tersebut, maka anda berhak membeli font Ghuroba Studio versi komersil di sesuai harga dan lisensi komersil yang ada.
  • Anda tidak berhak membeli font dengan harga dan lisensi yang tertera jika anda TELAH  menggunakan font-font Ghuroba Studio versi DEMO untuk keperluan komersil/iklan. Contoh: Anda mengunduh font Ghuroba Studio versi DEMO di dafont, lalu menggunakannya untuk kebutuhan komersil, entah iklan, cetak, merchandise, tanpa membeli font versi komersilnya terlebih dahulu. Dalam hal ini anda akan dikenakan biaya sebesar lisensi corporate. 
  • Dilarang mendaftarkan/men-trademark logo (trademark, registered, dan sejenisnya) menggunakan font Ghuroba Studio tanpa membeli font dimaksud atau tanpa izin dari Ghuroba Studio. Mendaftarkan logo tanpa izin menggunakan font Ghuroba Studio akan dikenakan denda lisensi corporate. Silahkan hubungi kami mengenai pendaftaran merek dagang logo.
  • Informasi lebih mengenai lisensi ini silahkan hubungi kami.